Homes for widows
Caring for the families is a priority and Sibanye-Stillwater committed to building 16 houses for the widows and families who had not benefitted from the AMCU Trust.
Families of each of the deceased have received a home. 16 homes were committed by the company, with 15 of the 16 homes handed over to the families, complementing those supplied by trade union AMCU. We have also made provision for two additional homes to cater for polygamous marriages. The houses are located in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, North West Province (Mahikeng), Northern Cape (Kimberley) and Lesotho.
Employing and supporting families
As part of our commitment to ensuring that families can sustain themselves, members of each of the 44 families are employed at Sibanye-Stillwater. Since 2013, widows or their elected representatives have accepted offers of employment and continue to be employed.
At the time of the tragedy, counselling services were offered to the widows and their families to aid the healing process. These services remain in place. In parallel with this initiative, we have also offered the widows financial management skills training through our CARE for iMali programme.